Your mentor, Amanda Coxhead
I wasn’t happy with the way I was feeling. I was getting hot flushes, gut pain and bloating. This was embarrassing at times. My GP wasn’t happy with the state of my health either, and the need for medication to manage my symptoms was looming.
I knew I wanted to do something to help my symptoms but I was not sure how to approach this.
I had tried different products in the past, but I did not feel like I had gotten to the root of my problems. I felt like I needed to treat my body as a whole, but I wanted to make sure I chose the right path. I did not have money to waste, and I was overwhelmed about the right option for me.
Fortunately I heard about LTLA through a friend and I was so impressed with her results. My friend mentored me and got me on track with my goals.
Fortunately, my GP is now very happy with me. My hot flushes, gut discomfort and bloating have very much improved. I have lost weight and kept it off, and I have learned how to eat for life to keep myself in check. I haven’t looked back!
I’ve learnt so much about food, what works for my body and how simple, clean food and nutrition makes me feel. Now I just love to share that knowledge to help others.
Not only did I turn my health around, I also found my passion & purpose, which has led me to become a LTLA Trained Mentor. I now teach others how to quickly & safely lose weight, regain their health and live happier, more fulfilled lives.
Let me help you achieve what I have achieved. I can show you how to get more out of life. Whether that be weight loss with or without exercise, gut repair or just increasing your energy levels, mental clarity & confidence.
No matter what your goals, I will give you all the resources including our incredible support group with our Program Formulators, access to our Chefs in our Recipe Group, meal plans, food lists, reading material, videos and all the inspiration you will ever need & much more!